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Year Of Water Education Segments

Year Of Water Education Segments

  • If you’ve made the drive from Logan to Bear Lake, you may have noticed a large building with a glass facade at the mouth of Logan Canyon. The Utah Water…
  • The streets of many Utah cities and towns may be lined with trees now, but that’s not how it was when pioneers first settled the area. In fact, places…
  • More than for flushing, washing, cooking or even drinking, Utahns use drinking water to water their landscapes. Home, public and commercial landscapes…
  • Described as an oasis in the Uinta Basin desert, eastern Utah’s Pariette Wetlands provide a welcome respite for a wide range of wildlife. Nearly 100 avian…
  • The eel-like burbot is a newcomer to Utah. The only freshwater member of the cod family, burbot were illegally introduced to the Green River watershed in…
  • iUTAH. That’s short for “innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydro-sustainability.” It sounds complicated, but it’s really quite simple. iUTAH is…
  • A watershed is an area of land where all the water -- both under it and that drains off of it -- ends up in the same place. An example is the Bear River…