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Musicoligist, Mother, And Cancer Patient Linda Shaver-Gleason On Wednesday's Access Utah

On her Twitter account, which by the way is @LindaHyphen, Linda Shaver-Gleason describes herself as a “musicologist, mother, cancer patient. Recently adopted by a cat.” She writes a blog, Not Another Music History Cliché, in which she debunks music history myths and offers commentary on many aspects of classical music culture, from snobbery to composer hero-worship to the question: Is music a universal language?

Linda Shaver-Gleason specializes in reception—the way audiences assign meaning to the music they hear. She writes program notes for several classical music organizations and artists.

And she was at Utah State University recently for several events as a part of the USU Year of the Arts  including a lecture titled "The Morality of Musical Men: From Victorian Propriety to the Era of # MeToo."

Linda Shaver-Gleason joins us for the hour as a part of our regular Access Utah series in conjunction with USU’s Year of the Arts.