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Zesty Garden- August 8

Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek and chive. Today on The Zesty Garden, USU Extension Vegetable Specialist, Dan Drost will tell you everything you need to know about planting and using garlic.

You’ll learn to avoid grape hyacinths on Wait, Wait…Don’t Plant That, and Take a Hike sends us on the White Pine Lake trail to see the seedhead of clematis.

white pine lake

Take a Hike with David Wallace

Wait Wait....Don't Plant That!
Dan Drost: Garlic

Bryan Earl has been with UPR since 1993. He graduated from Utah State University with a degree in Journalism and completed an internship at KOIN-TV in Portland, Oregon, before coming to UPR full-time. When not in his garden, Bryan loves to travel with his family, ride trains, ski at Beaver Mountain, and sing with the American Festival Chorus.