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USU Brings Relationship Education To Utah Communities
A new contract worth $2.4 million will enable Utah State University to expand its communication education program.

Utah State University is assisting Utahns in their efforts to develop healthy communication skills.

A $2.4 million contract was recently secured by Brian Higginbotham, USU Extension’s associate vice president, will now bring relationship and communicative courses to 11 Utah counties.

“These are classes that we’ve already been teaching as part of our family area in Extension,” Higginbotham said. “This particular contract will allow us to expand those services into communities and into DWS offices around the state.”

The new programs attempts to help individuals with relationship sustainability and overall family wellbeing.

“The focus of the class provides individuals with relationship skills,” Higginbotham said. “Things like communication and conflict management, so that when there is a disagreement in a relationship, which there will inevitably be, that people will know how to fight fair without raising their voices or resorting to violence.”

Higginbotham said the classes will teach students how to form happy and healthy relationships.

Parenting education courses, relationship education for singles and couple relationship courses will be included in the program.

The contract is in partnership with the Utah Department of Workforce Services and will run through June 2017.