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UDOT Moves Forward With Speed Limit Increase

The Utah Department of Transportation announced Friday that drivers will soon be able to cruise at faster speeds along the Wasatch Front.

UDOT announced that the speed limit change from 65 to 70 mph for Utah interstates will take effect Monday, Dec. 8

UDOT Chief of Operations Jason Davis told media on Friday that crews would change speed limit signs from North Ogden to Spanish Fork on Monday, between the morning and evening rush hours.

Davis told the Utah Transportation Commission that UDOT has decided to move forward with their planned speed limit increase after a month of listening to feedback from concerned parties because there were no compelling arguments to reconsider the change.

The groups who opposed higher speed limits, namely Physicians for a Healthy Utah and the AAA travel and Insurance Company, expressed concerns the change might lead to more serious auto accidents and worse air pollution.

The Utah Highway Patrol initially opposed the plan for similar reasons, although they quickly changed tack in supporting UDOT as the agency responsible for setting speed limits. UHP said they would regulate the new speed limit more strictly.

The change was prompted by a UDOT study showing most drivers along Wasatch Front interstates already travel at 70 mph.