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Logan lower canal contaminated with oil

A canal used for agricultural purposes in North Logan and Hyde Park was contaminated this weekend.

On Saturday, the “lower canal” which runs throughout North Logan along 400 and 800 East and through central Hyde Park became contaminated with oils from a truck conducting a chip and seal project along 1800 North in North Logan.

After the sealant on the road was laid down, a consistent rain storm washed the compound into the canal before the water-based part of the compound could evaporate.

According to officials, the oil spill affected about five miles of the canal.

The majority of the contamination was removed from the canal system quickly before it could spread into the marshes to the west of the canal. The remaining bad water was flushed into a field where it was adequately cleaned up.

Water became usable again this morning and no injury or sickness due to the contamination has been reported. However if there are any concerns, residents can call 435-792-6576.