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Landscaping Rules Under Discussion in Salt Lake City


The Salt Lake City Council is discussing a plan that would allow more planting options to be grown in city-owned parking strips, but there could be some problems standing in the way. Adding some tomato plants, or a few water-wise plants this spring could  get easier to do.

“I would like to see be able to grow tall plants in their parking strip and express some creativity in terms of how they want their parking strip to look," said  Salt Lake City Council Chair Kyle LaMalfa.

He is says right now city code doesn’t allow for anything to be grown in city owned parking strips that is larger than 36 inches.  But he admits changing the code could come with its challenges.

“One man's weed is another man's flower. Finding the right balance is always a challenge with it comes to the City Council so he encourages the public to express their opinions...this is not an easy balance to strike when it comes to aesthetics.”

The Salt Lake City Fire Marshall, Martha Ellis, she said that she wanted to wait to see how the issue played out in the upcoming week before commenting on the possible fire and safety hazards it could pose.