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Breaking Traditions Can Aleviate Stress

Library of Congress
Christmas Lights

For people in Utah who have experienced losses, are less fortunate, or in a family overcome by stress, the holidays can be a challenging time, but experts say small changes can help people find the joy in the season. Psychotherapist Mary Michail sees the toll the holiday hustle and bustle can take on her clients..

"People tend to put a lot of pressure that they have to be happy," Michail said. "Or have to say yes to every party invite they get; or they have to do their Christmas cards, or they have to put lights outside. I always tell people that the best thing you can give people is love and compassion, and your time."

Michail said it's important to keep a close eye on friends, colleagues and loved ones who isolate themselves, seem withdrawn or are sleeping too much, as those could be warning signs of more serious depression. She adds that the symptoms often intensify after the first of the year.

While many embrace tradition this time of year, Michail said it can be freeing to make a change, especially for those who may be going through a tumultuous time

"Break tradition," Michail said. "I always tell family members, 'You don't necessarily always have to do everything exactly as you did last year. Do something different! Start a new tradition for your family.' New traditions then create new beginnings."

Despite the rampant focus on consumerism, Michail points out this can be a meaningful time of year, provided families take the time and effort to fill the season with the "right" gifts, such as volunteering and giving to others.